Saturday, October 10, 2015

If you are obese, you're putting your health at risk. Take control of your weight now to reduce the possibility of suffering serious complications. Having tried and failed in the past is no excuse to give up on yourself now.

Making excuses.
What is your excuse? "I don't have time to work out? I'm too busy working?" Get real! Life Law #1 is "You either get it or you don't." What is making you fat? It isn't your schedule or your metabolism or your willpower. Stop making excuses.

Letting your weight be your payoff. 
Life Law #3 is, "People Do What Works." How is your weight working for you? What is your payoff for being overweight? Does the weight protect you by providing a barrier? Is the weight a form of rebellion? Do you get attention from it by playing the victim? Is your overeating a way of getting pleasure? Accept that you have chosen to be overweight because of the payoff, and have stayed overweight by having a lifestyle that contributes to it.

Diets don't work because dieting is not a long-term solution. If you diet to lose weight, you'll gain the weight back once you get off the diet. Remember, you behave your way to success. There are no quick fixes. Even gastric bypass surgery can only provide short-term results if your behavior and your thinking don't change.

Responding to triggers.
What triggers you to overeat? Is it a certain time of the day? Do you turn to food when you get upset? Life Law #4 is, "You can't change what you don't acknowledge." So you need to be honest about how you are using food, and change the way you respond to your triggers.

Listening to internal dialogue. 
What is your internal dialogue saying? That you're a failure? A quitter? That you'll never lose weight? If so, you need to change these limiting beliefs because they are sabotaging your efforts. How will you change if you don't believe you can change? How can you lose the weight this time if deep down you believe that the outcome is predestined and that you are destined to fail?


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