Saturday, October 10, 2015

You can't be overweight without a lifestyle that supports it. Do you set up your life to be fat? this post will help you understand what's feeding your weight problems. Answer these questions honestly — and get ready to get real about fat.

Do you keep lots of junk food in your house?

Does your desk drawer look like a 7-Eleven?

Do you have no allotted time for working out?

Do you get up late and have a chaotic life?

Are your clothes expandable so you can grow into them?

Is your time spent doing sedentary things like watching TV?

Do you eat until the activity is over, instead of stopping when you're full?

Is your social life defined by food instead of activities?

Do you choose restaurants with buffets and large portions?
If you answered yes to one or more:
Your lifestyle is contributing negatively to your weight. It's time to stop making excuses and take action.


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